Q. Can you state if one is contributing to a compulsory Health plan at work if they should utilise it and to what extent. A. The health plan which a company is connected to, is normally one which is a part of an Insurance Company […]
Q. If one performs ghusl in the morning and prays Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr and later on he notices during playing with his beard during the day there is one knot in just one of his beard hair. Is his ghusl and thereby also his salaats […]
Q. At the college it is taught to the students that it is permissable for a woman’s feet to be exposed, not including the ankles. I was informed recently by an alima that there is an authentic hadith in which the prophet ordered the muslims […]
Q. I went out with my husband and on returning home, I realized that there’s only about 5-10 minutes left before the actual sunset time on the chart. Is that forbidden time for performing salaah? Can I perform my salaah at that time still, or […]
Q. Imam Bukhari (RA) narrates a hadith that Saaiduna Abdullah Ibn Masud Radiallahu Anhu would recite in the last rakah of witr Qulhuwallahu Ahad and then raise his hands for Qunut before the ruku. Furthermore, Imam Bukhari (RA) also brings a hadith from Saaiduna Umar […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Could a female animal be used to sacrifice for Qurbani? Eg; a cow or female goat or sheep rather than a bull or a male goat or sheep. Please do respond as soon as possible JazaakAllaah Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, […]
Questions: Can a person halaal chickens if they are in the state of janaabah? Answer: It is permissible for a person in the state of Janabah to slaughter chickens (and they will be halaal. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Question: What’s the maslah concerning if for example my neighbour’s fruit tree has a branch with fruits on it hanging over on my side of the fence, are those fruits hanging on my side liable for me to pick without the neighbour’s permission or do […]
Question: Can a muslim plait his hair? If yes for how long can they keep it? Answer: It is an established principle in the shariah that men must not imitate women and women must not imitate men. This is based on the authentic tradition of […]
Q. In the law of inheritance what are daughters entitled to and is this affected if they are married? A. In the law of inheritance, a daughter’s share is not affected on account of her marriage. The daughter’s share in inheritance falls into any of […]