Is Safar an unlucky month?

Al hamdu lil-laah, all praise is due to Allah, the Owner of time, the Omnipotent and Wise. Salutations are for the Prophet Muhammad (SA) who was sent as the complete messenger, sufficient for mankind. The month of Safar is the second month of the lunar […]

Darul Iftaa

The Darul Iftaa is the department of formal legal opinions which issues Fatwas to the Muslim community at large. ‘Fatwa’ refers to an answer given in response to a question relating to an issue of Shariah or the Deen -Islam. While many people may be […]

Leader of the Women of Jannah

Question: Asalaamu ‘alaikum! 1) Who will be the Leader of the Women of Jannah inshaAllah? 2) Is A’ishah considered with the four greatest women (Maryam, Khadijah, Fatimah & Asiyah [ra])? Or does she hold a seperate position of excellence all on her own? JazakAllah khair […]

Shrimp and Sea food

Question: As salam wa alaikum. Can you give me the ruling on why is shrimp makruh & not halaal? since it is from the sea.   Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, According to Imam Abu Hanifa, from among the marine animals that are fully aquatic, […]