Hypocrites of today

Question: I also have a question. I remember being told in school about the two types of hypocrisy, the real one which is mentioned in the Qur’an and the one that is just a person having some qualities of a hypocrite in him. And I […]

Sugar Alcohol

Question: salaams.. I would like to know if chewing gum with sugar alcohol is halaal?Also is tablets containing gelatin halaal? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Sugar alcohol is a permissible substance, therefore chewing gum with sugar alcohol will be permissible Most gelatin is made from […]

Qurbani – Sacrifice

Qurbani is an Urdu word derived from the Arabic origin Qurbaan which indicates any means of nearness to Allah, be it an animal sacrifice or even common sadaqah (charity). In usage, the word Qurbani, is mostly used for the sacrifice of an animal or any […]