Question: What are the virtues of Manzil, collection of 33 Qur’an’s verses often prescribed for protection against black magic? What is its reality? Answer: Many of the great scholars from among the Muhaditheen and Mufassireen have seen (from experience), the great effects of all the […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum There are a few questions regarding Islam and the myths amongst non-believers. I would like them to be explained so that I would be able to respond and explain the true message to the non-belivers. What is the wisdom and true reasoning […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, If a woman has no mahram alive can she still go to perform hajj and adopt the group leader as her mahram if she is an elderly person? Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam, Though she is an elderly person, she must still […]
Question: Why blood donation is considered as impermissible? Blood donation is mean of saving life of human. I have read in Qur’an that one who saves the life of one person, actually he has saved the life of whole mankind. Someone told me that it […]
Question: As Salam Alaikum, I was listening to parts of Sunday’s lecture and you said that going to a fortune teller is shirk because only Allah has knowledge of the future. I do agree with you that it is shirk because it is putting your […]
F001 Chapter On Purification- Introduction F002 Chapter On Purification- Wudu (Part 1) F003 Chapter on Purification- Wudu (Part 2) F004Â Chapter on Purification- Wudu (Part 3) F005Â Chapter on Purification- Wudu (Part 4) F006Â Chapter on Purification- Wudu (Part 5) F007 Chapter on Purification- Wudu (Part 6)Conclusion F008 […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum, If a person committed an act of Kufr which takes him out of the fold of Islam is it enough that he recites the Shahadah with firm belief? What if the person does not beg for forgiveness from Allah (Subhanu Wa Ta’ala), […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, What are the rulings for Salaah if splashes of water mixed with the blood of chickens gets on your clothes? JazaakAllah Khair Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, In this case, you should change your clothing for Salaah. And Allah knows best, […]
Question: Rasool SAS said more or less that u would not be questionable for your thoughts unless u speak about it or act on it. My question is if someone ask u about a sinful thought that u are having and u say yes or […]
The following are the RAGU products permissible as at December 2012 CHUNKY Super Vegetable Primavera Garden Combination Mushroom & Green Pepper Roasted Red Pepper & Onion Sundried Tomato & Sweet Basil Super Vegetable Primavera Super Chunky Mushroom Tomato, Garlic & Onion  OLD WORLD STYLE […]