Question: Assalamu Aalikum, I would like to find out the following: At my Islamic class we were told for Fard salah you must pray standing with the exception of a valid excuse. My husband read the hadith in which Prophet Mohammed s.w.a.t prayed while in […]
Question: Asalamualaikum I wanted to ask whether a woman can recite the last 3 verses of Sura Hashr as a part of morning evening duas while she is in her menses(period)? Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam, No, she is not allowed to do so. And […]
Question: Sallam … Can you tell me if listening to Islamic songs haram or not, I sometime look at them and there is music and song, is it ok to look? Thanks Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam, Yes, listening to Islamic songs with music is […]
Question: I have read one of your answer in which you have stated that Prophet S.A.W was blessed with prophethood at age of 40 but i have heared in friday talk(waaz) in our masjid that prophet S.A.W. was prophet(nabi) before the his birth but became […]
Question: What is the meaning of shizah, should this name be kept for a girl? Answer: Salaams, I have not seen this name in any book. Hence, you should not put this name before you know its meaning. And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan.