Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Mufti Sahab. While travelling by train can I offer the namaz in sitting position, sitting on the seat itself as there is not so much space and if I offer namaz while standing it would create problem for others and also […]
Question: As salaamu Alaikum Brother, I don’t want to look too rhetoric with questions but I’m fairly new to Islam and would appreciate some guidance from time to time. I have abstained from celebrating Valentine’s day/wishing Happy Birthdays/greeting a non-Muslim on their religious occasion, etc. […]
Question: Dear Mufti Sahib I want to know that it is established from the Hadith that pictures and drawings are haram even a hadith state that angels do not enter the house with pictures and drawings. 1. Since, I am a student I have many […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Mufti Sahab. Is namaz offered while travelling in train valid? Jazakila khairan. Wasalaamualaik. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, in this case, one will be allowed to perform Salaah on the train. The Salaah will be valid. And Allah knows best, […]
Question: Asalaamualaikum mufti sahab. If any person during travel did not offer his qasar namaz then on returning home when she intends to offer the qaza of that qasar namaz, then is she supposed to offer the full namaz or qasar(reduced namaz) as qaza. Please […]