Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, If my savings and gold jewelery has reached the amount of Nisaab but I am paying off a loan. Is zakaat compulsory on me? Also for gold jewelery and savings, do I calculate the value of gold and savings and calculate 2.5% […]
Question: Assalamu Aalikum, I would like to know if we can use Avon Lipstick? Jazakallah. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Some Avon lipsticks contain Cochreal, obtained from insects. If this is not present it would be okay. DUHC
Question: I have two questions to ask. Firstly, I believe that it is wrong for a woman to go to a male gynecologist but can you tell me whether I am right or wrong? And secondly, what is the Islamic ruling on pregnant women fasting? […]
Question: Salams I would like to know if there is a dua to recite if a mother doesn’t have milk to breast feed her child also if parents will be accountable for the sins of the children if they didn’t give them a good upbringing […]
Questions: 1) We have a new Muslim in the Masjid and he asked what the follower should be doing in Salaah while the Imam is reciting? 2) Can we use water which has been heated by the sun? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, When a […]
Question: Can you tell me please what is the purpose of lighting lobhan? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, There is no significance of lighting lobhan, except that it leaves a scent in the area. And Allah knows best, Darul Ifta.
Question: Assalaamu ALykum w,w What is the ruling for wearing wedding rings? Would it be be tashabuh with another nation? Would it be classed as a shiaar of the non believers. and become it has become aam in all communities, would we be allowed to […]