Question: i am very confused about the usage of Allah’s attributes. for instance Allah is As Samad (self sufficient)or Al Qudoos (the Holy). therefore can i say in class “we need to take the following steps so that our economy can be self sufficient” when […]
Question: As-salaamu-alaikum, I would like to find out if a sister misses fast in the month of Ramadan for valid reason, if when she is doin the make up fasts…should it be done before or after the 6 nafl fasts in the month of shawwal? […]
Question: Are there any evidences that mandates the moving of the lips in salah, while reciting the Quran? Answer: The Holy Quran has ordered us to recite Quran in Salaah, and ‘recitation’ only occurs by moving one’s lips. Authentic traditions in Sahih Al Bukhari mentions […]
Question: I have some money invested into the Muslim Credit Union. I am unable to access these funds. Do I have to calculate Zakaah on this, because that money is very unattainable to me? Answer: Salaams, No, you do not have to calculate Zakaah on […]
Question Assalaamu Alaikum,, I would like to know if it is compulsory to read the Quran Inbetween the taraweeh prayers. Thanks, may Allah bless you. Answer Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No, it is not compulsory in between the Taraweeh Salaah, but it is compulsory to […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum I have only memorised the 30th para of the Holy Quran and was wondering if I could pray Taraweeh at home since the masjid which i attend does not read the entire Quran. Instead pieces from the same surahs are read each […]
Question: Are Muslims allowed to play cards? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Many of our scholars have mentioned that playing cards is a ‘waste of time’, and eventually makes one unmindful of his acts of Ibadah like Salaah etc. Hence, though it is not haram, […]
Question: assalamu aliakum I would like to know if putting eye drops in ones eye will break the fast. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No, it will not. And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan 2/07/2012
Question: Assamalualaikum, I would like to find out if you can take multi vitamins before starting fast? Please reply,thank you. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, you can take Multi vitamins before starting the fast. And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan, 31/7/2012
Question: As salaamu alaikum, A Gift For Muslim Bride & Groom by Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed. Is this book authentic? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Very authentic. Darul Ifta.