Question: Is a woman who is breastfeeding a child under one year old who feeds during the day excused from fasting? If yes, does she have to pay to feed a poor person? Answer: Salaams, She is temporarily excused from fasting, if she fears harm […]
Question: As salaamu alaikum If I do not have any cash but I own silver jewelry. What is required of me for zakaah? Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam, If the weight of your silver jewellery is 612 grams then you will have to pay 2 […]
Question: Asalaamualaikum mufti sahib. I would like to know whether undergoing root canal of tooth will breach the fast or not. in this procedure first of all the doctor injects some local anesthesia in gums surrounding the diseased tooth. i don’t know whether it goes […]