Question: How can I explain the matter of belief and disbelief without offending? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, You can choose the pattern of ‘exchanging ideas’ with another person (on this topic), without looking as if you want to condemn what they believe in. You can […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, My wife has some gold jewelry that was given to her by her parents and myself. The cost of it is way pass the nisaab for Zakaat. My Wife does not work. Does she have to pay Zakaat on this? If yes, […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, I came across this, can you tell me if this is authentic or not? Allah Says in Hadith Qudsi: When my servant reaches age 40 I relieve him of three calamities: madness, elephantiasis and leprosy. When he reaches the age of 50, […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum What are the Days of Tashreeq and what are they used for? (Outside of Hajj) Thanks, Wassaalaamu alaikum Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The days of Tashreeq are 11th, 12th, and 13th of Zul Hijja. These are the special days on which […]
Question: When a non Muslim is going through hard times example electricity cut and asks the Question, “what am I doing wrong and I find everything bad happening one after the next?” how should a Muslim reply without provoking an argument but also try to […]
Question: What does Islam says on justice and reward? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, Justice is an act which is compulsory in Islam. One is required to be just to Allah, to His Prophet (SAS), to himself and others. Dealing justly with people, fulfilling contracts and […]
Question: Is permissible or haraam for muslim men to wear makeup in Islam? Are there any rules regarding this matter? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, Yes, it is haraam for Muslim men to wear make-up. Wearing make-up is the practice of women and it is haraam […]
Question: Asalamualaikum There are some people who think that if after performing a complete wudhu(may or may not offer salat with it), it breaks due to some reason, then the 2nd time only masah over the socks can be performed and there is no need […]
Question: Assalamu alaykum I would like to know if Oreo Cakester is Halaal? Jazakallah Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, Yes, the Oreo Cakester is halaal. DUHC
Bayaan by Mufti Waseem Khan, delivered at Warrenville Jama Masjid, Cunupia, Trinidad W.I. on 23rd November 2012