Bayaan by Mufti Waseem Khan, delivered at Warrenville Jama Masjid, Cunupia, Trinidad W.I. on 23rd November 2012
Khutbah by Maulana Sheraz Ali, delivered at Nur-e-Islam Jamaat, San Juan, Trinida W.I. on 23rd November 2012
Khutbah by Maulana Sheraz Ali, delivered at Nur-e-Islam Jamaat, San Juan, Trinida W.I. on 23rd November 2012
Question: Assalaamu alaikum I came across a couple different opinions recently about Allah swt. as to if He is on the throne in Jannah or if he is everywhere. Seems confusing. What is the correct answer? Thanks, Wassalaamu Alaikum Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam Wa Rahmatullah, […]