Going to Hajj without a Mahram.

Question: In the past years some of our sisters have been encouraged to undertake the Hajj (Pilgrimage) even though their husbands or their Mahrams were not going with them. We were made to understand that since the sisters are going with a group of other […]

Covering the feet.

Question: What is the masla on covering the feet? Answer: There are two aspects of this masla. One is with respect to covering the feet in Salaat and the other is with respect to outside of Salaat. With respect to that which is evident from […]

Nur of the Prophet (saw).

Question: Is everything created out of the nur of the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa salam? Answer: There is absolutely no sound/authentic or even hasan Hadith which states that everything was created from the nur of the Prophet (S.A). This is also not the (Aqeedah) belief […]

Meaning of the word “Maulana”.

Question: I heard that the word “Maulana” means Master, and that you cannot address anyone with that title as Maulana. Can you please clarify this. Answer: The word ‘Maulana’ is an Arabic word which is combined of two words namely ‘Maula’ and ‘na’ – ‘Maulana’. […]

Muslim – non Muslim marriages.

Question: What is the Islamic view about muslim – non muslim marriages? Answer: Islam does not allow mixed marriages between a Muslim and a non-Muslim in general. The only allowance which was given in the Holy Quraan is a Muslim man marrying a Christian or […]