Bayaan by Mufti Waseem Khan, delivered at Warrenville Jama Masjid, Cunupia, Trinidad W.I. on 23rd November 2012
Khutbah by Maulana Sheraz Ali, delivered at Nur-e-Islam Jamaat, San Juan, Trinida W.I. on 23rd November 2012
Khutbah by Maulana Sheraz Ali, delivered at Nur-e-Islam Jamaat, San Juan, Trinida W.I. on 23rd November 2012
Question: Assalaamu alaikum I came across a couple different opinions recently about Allah swt. as to if He is on the throne in Jannah or if he is everywhere. Seems confusing. What is the correct answer? Thanks, Wassalaamu Alaikum Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam Wa Rahmatullah, […]
Quesstion: asalam alaikum, i am confused about the parts of the shariah with regards to punishment. for instance the law for the thief is cutting of a hand, stoning for the adulterer and capital punishment also for the murderer. however, while reading surah furqan in […]
Question: Respected Mufti Sb, Assalamu Alykum, If you could be kind to answer the following please: 1) The annual membership fees that are stipulated by Masjid committees if this isn’t paid on time, is it regarded as a debt and will it be deducted when […]
Question: Is Harun Yahya a reliable author? I used to read his books but Few days ago, I came across a video where a Sheikh claims him to be a promoter of Wahdat ul wujood and appeals to beware from him. 2.please explain the concept […]
Question: asalaamu alaikum! I want to find out about pardah. If pardah is observed in the masjid, why is it allowed for people to go in the market places etc because there is no pardah there! Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The masjid is the […]
Question: Is it true that a newborn baby only sees angels up till a certain amount of days? If so, how many days after birth do they stop seeing angels and start seeing everything and everyone else? Answer: Salaams, This is the statement of many […]
Question: With regards to going beaches, is it totally haraam for one to visit such places or can discretion be made whereby the timings in which one visit the beach? For instance if one goes to the beaches at a very early timing when the […]