Q. I would like to ask a question on behalf of my wife. She would like to know if a woman is menstruating if she can still make hajj or if it is permissible to take pills to delay her cycle for that period. A. […]
Q. Is it sunnah for girls to have shirt length till midcalf and without slits and what is the virtue of keeping a veil on the head for girls? A. For women and girls who have reached the age of puberty (baligh), it is compulsory […]
Q. I will like to know since I’ve seen alot of it, can a muslim man have a gold tooth and can a muslim man wear fake gold? A. With respect to the issue of having a gold tooth, the scholars have written the following: […]
Q. I have a question with regards to the validity of salaat in jamaat behind an imaam who has very bad tajweed. Is that salaat valid? The problem is unique in this area as the imaam has been the imaam for the past 40+ years. […]
Q. Please elaborate on the issue of a Shia-Sunni marriage. As far as I know it is permissible but not advised because of the complications. However, what if all these complications have been decided between both the families? For example even the parents of the […]
Q. In order to see the end of menstruation, do we have to see the color of secretion till it becomes white or colorless, by checking with tissue even it there is no secretion on the pad? Also please tell me if the secretion is […]
Q. Can we wear a ring on the first finger of our right or left hand? A. Yes, it is permissible to wear a ring on the first finger. It is also allowed to wear it on the right and or on the left hand, […]
Q. Please explain what is the law of feeding dogs and cats poppy chow/cat food, taking into consideration that the chow/food consists of beef/chicken in it (maytah). A. Carrion (maitah) is impure and unlawful. It is not permissible to use, nor is it permissible to […]
Q. I was listening to an Islamic lecture and I heard the Shaikh mentioned that according to Imaam Abu Hanifa, alcohol from grapes or dates extract is absolutely prohibited. However, drinks extracted from wheat, barley, sugar cane, etc. is permissible to the extent that they […]
Q. What is a weak hadith and what is the status of its acceptance in fiqh? A. A weak hadith is one in which the conditions for the soundness (Sahih) of a hadith are not present, and the conditions placed for a hadith to be […]