Question: Salaam A brother informed me that Imam Abu Hanifa said, that iman don’t increase or decrease. Then he showed me that Allah said iman increase an decrease an also the prophet said so. So I started thinking why Imam Abu Hanifa will say that. […]
Q. I would like to know if we could eat mangrove crabs or land crabs, because while my parents were in Trinidad, someone said Maulana Sheraz of the Nur E Islam Masjid said it was haram and they said lobster is haram, so would that […]
QUESTION Assalaamu Alailkum. Who can one give Fidya to? That is the money one pays when one cannot fast. ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It should be given to the poor and needy Muslims.
Q. Can a women be appointed as a Qazi according to Shafi Mazhab? If no please state the reason. What are the conditions to appoint a Qazi according to Shafi Mazhab? A. According to the Shafi Mazhab (and the majority of Scholars and Imams of […]
Question: Asalamualaikum, the 1st 10 days are the days of mercy of ALLAH SWT,can you please tell me some duas which we can recite during these days i.e duas pertaining to HIS mercy,, so how can we attain HIS mercy ? Answer: Wa Alaikum as […]
Question: Is it permissible to cut and dye ones hair while fasting? Answer: Salaams, Yes, it is permissible to do these while fasting.
Question: If a woman has a baby, is it permissible for her to pray at the back of the line in a corner in the masjid and not in the lines with the other women for congregational salaah e.g. Taraweeh? Reason being the child may […]
QUESTION Assalamualykum..Hope this email finds you in good health..Recently whilst performing the salaah of asr i lost track of how many rakaats i had performed due to my own weakness..I cannot remember if i performed 3 or 4 rakaats..i performed sajda sawh..i want to know […]
QUESTION Salaams Mufti Saab. The following information is being circulated amongst muslims in trinidad. Can you advise. QUESTION: Can a woman observe itikaf at home , what if she has to cook? ANSWER: Praise be to Allaah. I’tikaaf is only valid if done in the […]
Q. Is iguana Halaal? A. Iguana is a type of lizard, and according to Imam Abu Hanifa, it falls under the category of being a reptile and hence, not permissible. Other Scholars like Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad and Imam Shafi have considered a type of […]