Q. Is it okay to contribute one’s whole Zakat to medical expenses for urgent treatment for a non-muslim child? A. No, it is not permissible to contribute one’s whole Zakaah or part of it for the purpose which you have described. The reason for this […]
Q. I was told that there is a prayer or dua that I can say before my wife and I have sex in order to have a pious child. Presently both of us say bismillah just before penetration. I don’t know if I was mis-informed? […]
Q. Is it permissible to use mouth wash that contains a percentage of alcohol? A. Due to the fact that there is a high possibility of some of the above entering the throat, it is highly advisable that it should not be used. However, it […]
Q. Should muslims get engaged before marriage? Is it an option? A. The word ‘engagement’ or ‘getting engaged’ is used differently by Muslims in different parts of the world. In some places, it simply means that both parties (boy and girl) make a promise to […]
Q. My brother is residing in the USA. He has one house in Pakistan which is not in use. How much Zakat does he have to pay or is there no zakat for this house? A. Zakaah will be given if the house is for […]
Q. I would like to know if selling auto insurance is haram or is it ok for us to do? A. All types of conventional insurances are considered to be unlawful by the scholars and auto insurance will fall into this. Due to the fact […]
Q. At what distance does a person become a musaafir? Is this distance “as the crow flies” i.e a straight line or is it according to the road you take? When a person is calculating the length of the journey, does he also include the […]
Q. I would like to know how much money or food do I have to give to a person or a family in Ramadan due to some fasts which I missed (about 15 days) because I was pregnant and also nursing my baby. A. If […]
Q. Can you please explain the undermentioned situation whether these people fall into the brackets of mahram or not. 1) A man’s nephews, will his wife be a Mahram to them? 2) A woman’s niece, will her husband be a Mahram to them? 3) A […]
Q. What is the opinion of the Darul Uloom on the Tablighi Jamaat. As I want to take part in the activities that these brothers do 3 days etc. but another brother in the mosque told me that they are a misguided sect and he […]