Q. Is it permissible for Muslim women to expose themselves to a male gynaecologist while there are female gynaecologists? What should Muslim women do if there is an emergency and there is no female gynaecologist present? A. When there is a female gynaecologist available, then […]
Q. I am just wondering if the Darul Uloom is affiliated or approves of the website trinimuslims.com? A. The Darul Uloom is not affiliated with, nor does it approve of the website trinimuslims.com. Many of the articles from this site which have been forwarded to […]
Q. I am just wondering if the Darul Uloom is affiliated or approves of the website trinimuslims.com? A. The Darul Uloom is not affiliated with, nor does it approve of the website trinimuslims.com. Many of the articles from this site which have been forwarded to […]
Q. If a Shia person gives only the khutbah during Jumuah Salaah and the salaah is led by someone from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, is the Jumuah Salaah valid, or is the entire Jumuah invalid for the followers? What should be done if the Salaah […]
Q. Can you explain to me the significance of preparing the grave the way Muslims do? Also I recently went to an aunt’s funeral, and I decided to leave before the hearse left. Someone told me that I should not leave before the dead because […]
Q. A Muslim brother’s wife was pregnant and nearing her term, however Ramadhan was nearing and he was advised by a well known scholar, that she does not fast due to her condition and pay the sadaqah for the days missed. In my very little […]
Q. Is it allowable for expecting parents to enquire as to the gender of an unborn child? I read where it isn’t allowed but I cannot find the email/article or even remember the evidience to such. In the article it stated that it is only […]
Q. If someone has a grandmother and she is disabled to do anything at all and you as a grandson or any other male relative has to clean her or bathe her, how should he go about this, because cleaning or bathing a person like […]
Q. How should a Muslim Employer/Manager conduct himself with employees in meetings and business transactions? We hear of the Prophet SAW having the best Ahklaq (character) in all his dealings. We as muslims tend to overlook this in our dealings. Muslim Employers/Managers tend to treat […]
Q. I was invited by a non-muslim home for dinner and I have no clue if their meat is halaal. Should I eat it or is there a prayer to say before eating the meat? A. If you are sure that the meat is not […]