Muslim women and gynaecologists.

Q. Is it permissible for Muslim women to expose themselves to a male gynaecologist while there are female gynaecologists? What should Muslim women do if there is an emergency and there is no female gynaecologist present? A. When there is a female gynaecologist available, then […]


Q. I am just wondering if the Darul Uloom is affiliated or approves of the website A. The Darul Uloom is not affiliated with, nor does it approve of the website Many of the articles from this site which have been forwarded to […]


Q. I am just wondering if the Darul Uloom is affiliated or approves of the website A. The Darul Uloom is not affiliated with, nor does it approve of the website Many of the articles from this site which have been forwarded to […]

Business dealings with employees.

Q. How should a Muslim Employer/Manager conduct himself with employees in meetings and business transactions? We hear of the Prophet SAW having the best Ahklaq (character) in all his dealings. We as muslims tend to overlook this in our dealings. Muslim Employers/Managers tend to treat […]