Q. What are some forms of Unnatural Sexual Intercourse? A. Unnatural sexual intercourse refers to such intercourse which is not in accordance with the laws of Islam. The shariah of Islam has only permitted one to have sexual intercourse with the spouse to whom he/she […]
Q. If I am at work and do not perform the Zuhr salat because the environment is not condusive for same, then is it permissible to Qada it at home? And, as I leave home around 10ish on a Saturday to go to class (Cedros […]
Q. Is it Jaiz to pay Huffaz for leading Taraweeh? Doesn’t this lead or lend to something like paying to read the quran, and what is the difference between this and paying a Hafiz to lead the Daily Namaz? A. No it is not permissible […]
Q. Can you tell me if congregational dua is compulsory, desirable or practiced during the times of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) or if it is an innovation, like in shukrhanas, after daily congregational salaat, for kids writing exam, etc? A. Congregational dua is permissible and […]
Q. Please explain to me if chewing of pan is permissible or not according to the shariah? And what about smoking of cigarette, cigar and marihuana? A. If, in Cigar or Cigarette, there is any substance which intoxicates or befogs the mind then it will […]
Q. Can you tell me if the snack called “cigarette sweetie” is halaal? A. Cigarette Sweets contain gelatin which most times is made from pork or beef skins and bones. Therefore they are not halaal. Q. I would like to find out if the following […]
Q. Is there any masla that states individual acts of ibaadah must be subduded for congregational acts of ibadah in the masjid, eg. (If the imam makes dua after salaat and some individuals choose to do individual zikr instead of joining with the Imam.) If […]
Q. I have noticed that in Surah 18 The Cave – in the 18th ayah, there is an area where the arabic is enlarged and in some cases a different color. The arabic transliterarion is (wal yata lat-taf). I have heard in the past that […]
Q. What is the awrah of a daughter in the presence of her father, mother, sister, brother, uncle and aunt? Is it permissible for a father or mother to enter the delivery room to witness their daughter give birth? What about a sister? A. The […]
Q. Could you please assist as I was taught from little that when performing salaat with 2 or 3 persons alone in a jamaat we should stand 1 footstep behind. However, the so called “salafs” in my jamaat have argued with me that one should […]