Wages for Alims and Imams.

Q. My question is regarding Ulema’s hadya (in the West the muslims say wages of imam/alim)? The imams here get paid on average between £150-£175 and from £200-£250 maximum. One of the major reasons is that they can get benefits from the government, so why […]

Honeymoon in Islam.

Q. Can you tell me if going on a ‘honeymoon’ after marrige is haram or not. I am going to get married in a few weeks time and last week my future father-in-law told me that he doesn’t want us going on any honeymoon because […]

Origin of Dua Jameela.

Q. Could you explain the origin of Dua Jameela that many learned scholars in South Trinidad have made much emphasis on reciting it collectively in many masjid gatherings. Is this a recommended dua from the sunnah? Is there any evidence for or against it? A. […]