The meat of Dolphin.

Q. Is the meat of Dolphin halal to eat, or is this considered Carrion also? A. With respect to Dolphins, the three Imams, namely Imam Malik, Imam Shafi and Imam Ahmad have stated that all animals that are fully aquatic and can live only in […]

Meelad un Nabi and Mawluud.

Q. I wanted to find out if the celebration of Meelad un Nabi and Mawluud is permissible. A. The celebration of Meeladun Nabi and Mawluud is not based on evidences from the sacred shariah, and hence not permissible. Having love in one’s heart for the […]

Salatul Hajat.

Q. Someone said that Salat al Hajat is Bidah and fabricated and he put forward a fatwa showing this. Now I need as much as classifications of muhaddithuun about the hadith on Salat ul Hajat as recorded by Tirmizi (Witr, 479) and Ibn Madjah (Iqama, […]

Eating of shrimp, crab, etc.

Q. Could I get some info pertaining to the eating of shrimp, crab, shark, oysters, etc. A. Due to the fact that there are no clear and explicit traditions regarding these, there have been differences of opinion among the great Imams of Islamic Jurisprudence. Their […]