Q. Do you know of the Tahiyyatul Masjid prayer to be Fardh? I was in a cling with a Salafi and he claimed it to be Fardh. When I said to him Fardh prayers are only 5 and not 6 he encountered me with that […]
Q. On a particular website, it says that Deobandies are the same as Wahhabis. Are these lies on this website? There is also a review of a book called Takwiyat ul Iman on which Shayk GF Haddad has given a review. He says there: Ismail […]
Q. If someone believes that Muhammad (s.a.w.) is hazir-nazir (present and can see all in the world at all times) then has he lost his Imaan? Would he remain a Muslim? A. If someone has this belief, then it would not be said that he […]
Q. While browsing on the internet I came across an article about how people are stoned to death for committing adultery and fornication. It was by a Muslim human rights lawyer from the USA. Basically, he was stating that in the Quran, Allah refers to […]
Q. In Trinidad there are Muslim groups singing songs. This group had performed on I.B.N. Is this type of music halal? A. Singing Islamic songs is permissible as long as the words and meaning do not bring about acts of shirk or wrongdoing. However, the […]
Q. Can you say if it is permissible for a woman to lead a group of other women in congregational Salaah? If it is possible, then would she also have to recite aloud for Fajr, Maghrib and Isha Salaah? Would it also mean that there […]
Q. When a Muslim purchases a new car, house, etc., what does the Sunnah say that he or she should do to thank ALLAH. What I am trying to find out is if one should go to an Imam to bless it for him. A. […]
Q. What is the punishment for unknowingly eating something that has gelatin or a Haram substance in it (food or medication)? A. If someone has done this act unknowingly then he/she will not be held accountable and hence there will be no sin in doing […]
Q. Is the wearing of nail polish permissible for Muslim women? A. Yes it is permissible. However, it must be removed while performing Wuzu or Ghusl. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. Can you state if one is contributing to a compulsory Health plan at work if they should utilise it and to what extent. A. The health plan which a company is connected to, is normally one which is a part of an Insurance Company […]