Q. I went out with my husband and on returning home, I realized that there’s only about 5-10 minutes left before the actual sunset time on the chart. Is that forbidden time for performing salaah? Can I perform my salaah at that time still, or […]
Q. I work at a mechanic’s shop and the owner is muslim. Sometimes while working on a car things break. Do I have to ask forgiveness for accidently or intentionally breaking something like when I want to open a bolt, a clip was in the […]
Q. My mother’s nephew (my first cousin) has a son who will like to marry my daughter. Is this permissible? Remember my cousin’s father and my mother are brother and sister. A. Yes, this is permissible. There is no prohibition for your cousin’s son to […]
Q. How much time before dawn does the sehri time START? Is there more sawaab in eating sehri near dawn, that is delayed sehri, rather than eating it one hour before? A. The time for Sehri lasts until the break of dawn. As soon as […]
Q. In the law of inheritance what are daughters entitled to and is this affected if they are married? A. In the law of inheritance, a daughter’s share is not affected on account of her marriage. The daughter’s share in inheritance falls into any of […]
Q. At the college it is taught to the students that it is permissable for a woman’s feet to be exposed, not including the ankles. I was informed recently by an alima that there is an authentic hadith in which the prophet ordered the muslims […]
Q. If one performs ghusl in the morning and prays Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr and later on he notices during playing with his beard during the day there is one knot in just one of his beard hair. Is his ghusl and thereby also his salaats […]
Q. I would like to know if the 5.00 bligh that b-mobile gives and then they take back 5.50 when you top up, if its halal because they claim to say that the 50 cents that they take extra with the 5.00 that they lent […]
Q. What’s the maslah concerning if for example my neighbour’s fruit tree has a branch with fruits on it hanging over on my side of the fence, are those fruits hanging on my side liable for me to pick without the neighbour’s permission or do […]
Q. I recently found out that when you denounce the faith your marriage is automatically broken but while I had no knowledge about it I did apostate the religion but I am a muslim now and both me and my husband did not know that […]