Q. There is a hadith that says if a person kills himself he goes to hell. Is it forever? Will smoking fall into the category of suicide if a person dies due to cancer? A. The scholars of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat have stated […]
Q. Is it permissible to go on a boat cruise? I will not go to the pool nor will I go to any club. My intention is to go to relax and visit the different countries. A. If you are traveling by boat from one […]
Q. What are the permissible financial investments an individual can make? A. There are different modes of financial investments that a person can make. However, all must conform to the guidelines and principles of the Shariah. At the onset, one must refrain from every such […]
Q. Can you give me the hanafi evidence for not moving the finger in tashahud and beating the shaitan? A. According to an authentic tradition recorded by Abu Dawood, Nasai, Baihaqi and others, Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (S.A) used to point […]
Q. What is the authencity of this hadith: A person neglecting his salaat (even though he makes it up later) shall remain in Hell for a period of one Haqb. A Haqb is equal to eighty years of three hundred and sixty days each, and […]
Q. I have been doing some research on Marijuana and Islam. I have found the following: O you who believe! Truly, intoxicants and gambling and divination by arrows are an abomination of Satan’s doing: avoid it in order that you may be successful. Assuredly Satan […]
Q. With regards to the Dajaal, the Khateeb mentioned in the khutbah today that the Dajaal will be blind in his right eye and as I read on the internet according to Sahih Muslim reported by Hazrat Huzaifah said that the Dajaal will be blind […]
Q. Is it permissible to raise funds by having sales (Bar B Que or Curry Que) with the proceeds going towards constructing a masjid? A. It is permissible to use the proceeds of such funds in the construction of a masjid, however, it must be […]
Q. Can you please advise if wedding rings are normally exchanged during the Nikah or is the ceremony performed without the exchange of rings? A. The exchange of wedding rings is not a part of the Nikah ceremony. Exchanging these rings in public is opposed […]
Q. Is reciting the words of Dua Jameela a good practice either in congregation or as an individual? And are the blessings stated authentic? A. The words of Dua Jameela are not evident in any tradition of the Prophet (S.A.S) and hence, the virtues and […]