Q. Can one say Subhanallah or Allhamdulilah or Allahu Akbar or Laillahaillala without counting. For example before I sleep I would recite these four above and then do it 3 times and also the 33, 33, 34. What I would like to know is if […]
Q. I got a mail from this wahabbi person saying that the analyst Ibn Daqeeq al-‘Eid (rahimahullaah) collected together, in a bulky volume, the issues in which one or more of the four Imaams’ madhhabs had contradicted the authentic hadeeth, please clarify it. A. With […]
Q. Is there any tradition/hadith that nabi peace be upon him used to pray 2 rakaat nafl salaat in sitting position after Isha salaat? A. It is evident from an authentic tradition of Aisha (RA) (as recorded by Imam Muslim in his sahih) that the […]
Q. For some time now there has been a controversy over the use of the MICROPHONE (MIC) in Salaat. Some Mussallis say it can be used and is universally used in this day and age. Others say it cannot be used and that it is […]
Q. Kindly inform me about ‘Farasah’. What is ‘Farasah’? How is it acquired? Is it a natural gift from Allah subhanahu taala from birth or acquired later by certain acts? Kindly quote the salient examples illustrating it from the sirat of Rasullah s.a.s. and the […]
Q. Is it permissible for us to use gift items given to us by banks and insurance companies? Like diaries, glasses, pens, etc.? Even if it is not from our own insurance company but are given to us? Also, some banks and companies serve drinks […]
Q. I suffer from clinical depression and I have been on and off medication for many years. During phases of deep depression (lasting 2-3 months) I lose weight due to not eating, I experience chronic fatigue which results in my sleeping up to 18 hrs […]
Q. What is the islamic viewpoint on EFT Emotional Freedom Technique? Is this correct for a muslim to use as I have now been introduced to this system and have started using it. However I still believe that it is only what Allah decrees for […]
Q. What is the situation with “facebook”? Is it okay to use it or not? A. Facebook can be used as a means of communication. As such, if it is used for the purpose of lawful interaction and communication then it will be allowed. However, […]
Q. I am about to get married in a couple of months. The girl is a practicing Muslim and follows Islam. My question is, “What are some other criterias that must be fulfilled to know if this person is compatible with me”? A. While outlining […]