Q. I took my shahada about 2 years aback and I have since backslided a lot in practicing. I love Islam and I will like to know what I have to do to get back on track. I am unable to practice as I would […]
Q. I want to ask a question regarding qadhaa roza. What is the age when roza becomes farz on a girl? Is it when she starts menstruating? I am asking this question on the behalf of my friend. She suffers from the problem of gastritis […]
Q. In Bangladesh we find medical books that are photocopies of the original and are sold openly. Now I don’t know whether it is ok in shariah to buy such books? Also if I have bought can I sell them? Bangladesh government is doing nothing […]
Q. Is it permissible in Islam to be part of a Medical/Dental Insurance scheme whereby the employees all contribute a sum monthly? In the event of a person becoming ill and lands up in a private nursing home for treatment, the insurance company pays the […]
Q. I was trying to find some info on Prophet Isa’s return, can you help? Can you tell me where he is now and in what state as if he is still a human or just his soul is waiting to return? Do you have […]
Q. Is it ok to pray your salaahs after giving birth, when you are still seeing your periods? A. No, it is not permissible to do so. You have to wait until the flow of blood stops completely, after which you will take a bath […]
Q. I wanted to know in a sunnat salaat of Zuhr, in which order can we recite the following suras: SURA ASR, SURA FEEL, SURA KAUTHER, SURA KAFIROON, SURA NASR, SURA IKHLAS, SURA NAS, SURA FALAQ. Please give all the possible combinations. Also I would […]
Q. Is it permissible to have insurance on your home to cover against fire, burglary, flood, earthquakes, etc.? Is it permissible for importers and wholesalers to take out insurance on their goods? A. Although insurance is seen to be a security against unfortunate occurrences, it […]
Q. I have an important question concerning marital discord and disputes with the possibility of it ending in divorce. In what order does Islam guide us to settle a marital discord and disputes that perhaps lead to divorce? Is there a step wise method of […]
Q. In Fard Salaah, in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs, only Surah Fatiha is recited. What about in other Salaah like Sunnah and Witr, only Surah Fatiha is recited in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs or is it compulsory to recite a Surah after? A. […]