Q. There are some Islamic Naats/songs on Youtube which are sung by a scholar named Maulana Anas Yunus. These are in Urdu. It is said that some of these are poems originally written by the Sahabi Hasan bin Thabit (RA) then translated into Urdu. If […]
Q. Can Zakaat be given to family members apart from parents and children? Example aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. if they are needy? A. Yes, apart from parents and children, Zakaat can be given to other family members if they are needy. Grand parents and great […]
Q. I am suffering from chronic pain in my neck, the aggravating factor of which is bowing or flexion of my neck beyond a certain degree. Because of this I am unable to perform my sajdah in salaat and so I bend only a little […]
Q.Can a male have an ear piercing? A. No, this is not permissible for males. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. Is it sunnah to put the left foot out first while leaving the house? Also when I give gifts to people, who are rich and don’t need them, what niyat can I make so as to change it into ibadat? Also when some good […]
Q. What is the Fatwah regarding the Friday Salaah being conducted at the home of someone as well as the Eid-ul Adha Salah whilst there is a functional and existing Masjid in the area? The area I refer to is Tacarigua. The former imam of […]
Q. I was told that there is a Dua to recite to calm the animal for Qurbani? If this is true, what is the Dua? A. We do not know of any specific dua for this purpose. However, in the book ‘Aamaale Quraani’ the following […]
Q. Is it permissible to invest in an institution and save towards receiving a pension at a certain age? If so, what institution is recommended? A. Yes, it is permissible to invest in an institution in order to save towards receiving a pension. However, it […]
Q. 1) If someone do homosexuality in his past, now he wants to know what is punishment for him now according to Islam and wants to not do again, what should he do? 2) If someone masturbates in past and doesn’t do now, what is […]
Q. What are the rulings on clapping and whistling in Islam? A. Clapping and whistling has no place in Islam. The Sunnah of the Rasool (SA) is that when we are happy, we praise Allah with his Zikr (remembrance). This is an expression of our […]