Q. I would like to know if there is anything haraam with respect to muslims buying in a place that has halal food but they serve alcohol. For instance in resorts like Salybia Nature Resort where there is a bar, can we still eat there? […]
Q. I wanted to find out if private investigaton is a Halaal occupation for muslims? A. In my opinion, this involves spying on others, and other unlawful acts, hence, it is not a lawful occupation for Muslims. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. My husband wants to place gold teeth in his mouth, is this permissible? A. Based on the authentic traditions, the Prophet (S.A.S) has mentioned that it is haram (unlawful) for men to wear or use gold. Based on this general prohibition, it would not […]
Q. I wanted to find out if muslim females can braid or plait the hair of males. I usually plait my nephew-in-law’s hair and I don’t want to be doing something that is Haram so I’ll appreciate it if you could kindly confirm whether this […]
Q. If a woman is in public and the time for salaah has come, could you explain to me how and where should she pray her salaah, eg. in the beach or in public schools. In such a case will it be permissible for her […]
Q. Can we use a Credit Card if we replace the monies used before interest is added on? A. Yes, it is allowed to use the credit card as long as you stay away from paying interest. This means that you must always make your […]
Q. I was just wondering about calling the azaan and iqaamah in the ears of a new born child. My friend told me that it is a bidat because it is not stated in quraan or sunnah and Sheikh Albani also said that it is […]
Q. If a person tells another that he or she is lucky, is this shirk or Islamically correct? Also the phrase unfortunate, such as in the sentence, ‘the person was unfortunate to have bought the shirt before the sale.’ Is using the word unfortunate shirk? […]
Q. What is Darul Uloom’s view on boycotting certain companies or products that give of their profits to support Israel’s expansion and oppression. A. It is permissible and in fact, encouraged in Islam for one to boycott certain companies who use their profits to support/help […]
Q. Please describe the Angel Jibraeel. A. Angel Jibraeel like other angels is created from light and can assume any shape Allah allows for him. In his original shape, angel Jibraeel has many wings and is a very big, huge angel. The Quran itself describes […]