Ummul Quraa.

Q. Why is Makkah called Ummul Quraa? A. Ummul Quraa means the mother of cities and according to some commentators of the Holy Quran it is called by this name since it is the root and foundation of all towns and habitations. It is mentioned […]

Investing in Unit Trust.

Q. My questions concerns working and investing in the Unit Trust. I am an employee of that firm. Are there chances of my earning being haraam? I read the article on investing in the UTC. However, I have researched the companies in which investments are […]

Singing praises of Allah.

Q. Is it permissible to sing the praises of Allah and send peace and blessings on his Messenger Muhammad (S.A.S.)? A. Praising and glorifying Allah are both essential upon the Muslims as commanded in the Holy Quran. Hence, it is upon Muslims to follow these […]