Jumuah Mubaarak

Once again the day of jumuah is upon us, let us not forget to recite our Suratul Kahf (ch:18) and occupy our lips with sending darood (“Allaahumma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aali Muhammad kamaa sallayta alaa Ibraheem wa aala aali Ibraheem innaka Hameedum Majeed, […]

Having a moustache

Q:  What is the Islamic ruling on having a mustache, I was told that if the food touches your mustache it becomes haram how true is that statement   A: Salaams, Having a moustache is allowed. However, it must not be long to such an […]

Salaatul Janaazah

Q: Assalaamu Alaikum (1)        How to perform Salaatul Janaazah (in detail)? (2)        When the deceased body arrives and departs do individuals have to stand? A: Wa alaikum Assalaam In Salaatul Janaazah there are two acts tht are held as being compulsory. These are :- 1)Saying […]

Islamic Songs In Urdu.

Q. There are some Islamic Naats/songs on Youtube which are sung by a scholar named Maulana Anas Yunus. These are in Urdu. It is said that some of these are poems originally written by the Sahabi Hasan bin Thabit (RA) then translated into Urdu. If […]