Q. Is it okay to purchase something from a shop that sells snacks but also alcohol? A. Yes, it is permissible to do so, however, seeing that it is a shop that sells alcohol, a Muslim is asked to refrain from going to such places. […]
Q. Is it permissible for a Muslim man to have a body piercing? I have seen sisters with nose piercing so I am somewhat unsure. Can you please clarify? A. No, it is not permissible for a man to have ‘body piercing’. The allowance to […]
Q. On the 29th of Dhu Qaadah, the moon was not physically sighted by GS Masjid (neither was it sighted anywhere in the country, region or continent). The moon was physically sighted on the 30th of Dhul Qaadah. Quite naturally, the moon was high on […]
Q. I have seen muslims in the UK who when during conversation say “fingers crossed” and also “touch wood”. Sometimes they go as far as doing the said action (i.e. crossing fingers and even touching wood). I personally feel this is a terrible thing to […]
Q. I sell Amway Products and some of the vitamins contain gelatin and are not certified halal but there is a big request for them. Can I promote and sell these non halal vitamins to Non Muslims? Also there is a breath spray for freshening […]
Q. Is it haram for a husband and wife to be friends with non mahrams on facebook? If not, is permission required to befriend such persons and wouldn’t such an allowance lead to Zina and seeking comfort in other persons rather than one’s own spouse […]
Q. What is the punishment for a man who intentionally exposes his awrah, i.e. his thigh and since this act greatly affects others to whom he does not listen and he is not at all embarrassed, then what should they do? A. Exposing the aurah […]
Q. Why in Saudi Arabia, there is only one salaat and not four salaat for each imam’s muqqalid? Are they wahabi in Saudi? Are their ulama followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab? Why don’t they do taqleed? Are they right? If wrong why? And what […]
Q. Why do women put their hands close to their chest to pray if the Holy Prophet peace be upon him said to pray as he prays? How should they place their hand? Shouldn’t women close up themselves to pray, like not open their legs […]
Q. Did Quran and Sunnah say don’t eat shrimp, shark and crab or did Hanafi? A. The Quran has nothing about eating shrimp, shark and crab. The Sunnah also has nothing about eating shrimp, shark and crab. Instead, there is a tradition in which the […]