Q: In our area, Imam starts to make dua with such a voice that muqtadi could know that Imam has started to make dua. And all the muqtadi starts to make dua after listening the voice of Imam (e.g. if he starts dua with alhamdulillahi […]
Q: Assalaamualaikum!When someone is joining in a congregational prayer where the imaam has already gone into the ruku’ posture,does one have to say thanaa after takbeer before proceeding behind imaam,or can u go straight into the posture? A: Wa alaikum As Salaam, No, one should […]
Q: How do i calculate zakat? A: Assalamu Alaikum, From the time you have the Nisaab you will check one year from that day. At the end of the year you will pay 2 ½ % on the total amount of your savings once it […]
Q: Salamu alaikum, ya shaikh, i have a question. You know there are network hackers. I will talk of of own country. Here some hackers provide some proxy network settings. You just have to set that settings in your mobile phone or in your pc, […]
Q: Performing wudu, ghusl in a bathroom that has a toilet in it. Is this permissible? Should the intention to perform the wudu/ ghusl and the short dua be said outside, before opening the door to the toilet/bathroom area? A: Assalamu Alaikum, It is permissible […]
Q: What is the ruling of reading khatam ul quran in congregetion for 40 days function or anytime.Is this permissible A: Assalamu Alaikum, The recitation of the Holy Quran is permissible at any time, and if one wants to complete its recitation in one sitting, […]
Tawassul is to implore Allah through the means of a righteous person or through one’s righteous actions. Tawassul in Dua is to supplicate to Allah through an intermediary, such as saying, ‘O Allah, I ask you by the rank of your Prophet…’ With respect to […]
Q: Asalamualaikum..What is meant by tawassul in dua? What is its significance? A: Wa alaikum As Salaam, Tawassul is to implore Allah through the means of a righteous person or through one’s righteous actions. Tawassul in Dua is to supplicate to Allah through an intermediary, […]
It was an intentional act of theirs to attribute divinity to Isa (A.S). They knew very well that Isa (A.S) was a prophet who lived amongst the people as a human being. The disciples ate with him, drank with him and walked along with him. […]
Q: Salaamz dear Mufti Saab, I would like to ask you concerning the truth behind the Trinity which the Christians preach and propogate. Could it be that they have mixed up calling Isa, Angel Jibreel And Allaah as one ? or is it something more […]