Network Hacking

Q: Salamu alaikum, ya shaikh, i have a question. You know there are network hackers. I will talk of of own country. Here some hackers provide some proxy network settings. You just have to set that settings in your mobile phone or in your pc, […]

Tawassul In Dua

Tawassul is to implore Allah through the means of a righteous person or through one’s righteous actions. Tawassul in Dua is to supplicate to Allah through an intermediary, such as saying, ‘O Allah, I ask you by the rank of your Prophet…’ With respect to […]

Tawassul In Dua

Q: Asalamualaikum..What is meant by tawassul in dua? What is its significance? A: Wa alaikum As Salaam, Tawassul is to implore Allah through the means of a righteous person or through one’s righteous actions. Tawassul in Dua is to supplicate to Allah through an intermediary, […]

Truth Behind the Trinity

Q: Salaamz dear Mufti Saab, I would like to ask you concerning the truth behind the Trinity which the Christians preach and propogate. Could it be that they have mixed up calling Isa, Angel Jibreel And Allaah as one ? or is it something more […]