Q. If a husband pronounces talaaq on his wife three times under haste, anger and arrogance, is that talaaq valid, even though they both love each other with all their hearts? A. Yes, the three talaq will occur and take effect. It will be haram […]
Q. If a husband uses the words to his wife, “you are nothing to me” or “you are not my wife” or “get out of my life” or “I don’t want you anymore” will that be a divorce and what type of divorce will it […]
Q.Is it permissible for Muslims to post pictures of themselves on Facebook? A. No, it is not permissible to do so. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. Is it permissible to apply cream, lotion or vaseline after wazu and then perform prayer? A. Yes, it is permissible to do so. It is however better to avoid using lotions and creams that contain alcohol. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Question: Is it compulsory to value your jewelry every year to pay zaakaah on it. Answer: With respect to the jewelry, you will first have to weigh it to see if it reaches the nisaab or not. If it is silver jewelry, then it must […]
Question: Asalaam walaikum, The members of my jammat are going to put up curtains by all the windows and doors of our masjid even though they are tinted. I personally find no need for it, please let me know if I’m just being one minded […]
Question: Asalaamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu mufti sahab. There are some persons who say that it is permissible for females to look at the face of a buzurg(male religious scholar or preacher). Is it true,if so please give evidences from shariat. Jazakala khairan. Answer: Wa […]
Question: Asalaamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu mufti sahab. Is it right for a person to read the book Bahishti Zewar written by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi sahab,when there is no reference (hadith or Quraanic aayat)as to where from the masail (islaamic rulings)have been deduced. Please […]
Question: Is Tassa drumming haram? Are there any arts/cultural acts of our Indian heritage that are permissible to participate in without violating the sharia? Jazakallah Kheir Answer: Salaams, Tassa drumming is haram in Islam. Islam is a complete way of life which came directly from […]
Question: Asalaamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu mufti sahab. Could you please qoute the hadith shareef in sahih Bukhaari n full (along with the hadith number)in which Hazrat Aeisha (radhiallahu  anha) tells us that if Nabi(salallahu alaihi wasallam) knew about the conduct and situation of women […]