Question: Can I give Zakaat to my husband’s grandparents? Answer: Yes, you can. Darul Ifta
Question: Asalaamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu mufti sahab. Umm Atiyah (ra) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) commanded us to bring out on Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha, young women, hijab-observing adult women and the menstruating women. The menstruating women stayed out of actual Salaat but participated […]
QUESTION: Asalaamu Alaikum I have  heard that if a  person dies in Ramadan then he is given jannah.  I have also heard that if a person dies on Friday then he is given protection from the grave.  Are any of these true? If no, then […]
Q: Assalaamu Alaikum I would like to find out the following: At my Islamic class we were told for Fard Salaah you must pray standing with the exception of a valid excuse. My husband read the hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) prayed while in […]
Today, the word ‘moderation’ has become very common, and is used by people for many things. Sometimes, it is used for that which is good, and at times, it is used for that which is bad. For example, you may hear a doctor saying I […]
Once again the day of jumuah is upon us, let us not forget to recite our Suratul Kahf (ch:18) and occupy our lips with sending darood (“Allaahumma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aali Muhammad kamaa sallayta alaa Ibraheem wa aala aali Ibraheem innaka Hameedum Majeed, […]
Q: Assalaamu Alaikum. Can a mother-in-law hug her son-in-law for special occasions like Eid day and even kiss him? Also, along with giving money or jewellery as a mahr, can a groom recite a part of Qur’aan to his bride as part of his mahr […]
Question: Is it allowed to become a member of the Amway Business? Answer: Wa Alaikum As salaam, No, it is not allowed. Â And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan 4/9/2013
Q: What is the Islamic ruling on having a mustache, I was told that if the food touches your mustache it becomes haram how true is that statement  A: Salaams, Having a moustache is allowed. However, it must not be long to such an […]
Question: Is it allowed for a woman to read the Hizbul Azam while she is in her Mensuration? Answer: Wa Alaikum As salaam, Yes, it is allowed to do so. And Allah knows best, Mufti Waseem Khan