Q. During the week of Eid ul Adha I will be in Miami and flying to Mexico City. What is my position regarding Eid Salaah and my Qurbani? I would love to perform my Eid salaah but I don’t know the fatwa. Secondly will it be […]
Q. I am going to do qurbani and I remembered last year I fasted for one week prior to the day of Eid but I can’t remember clearly. Can you please tell me when I should start fasting for this, what day and when should I […]
Q. I have interest to marry a sister outside of USA living in another country. I want to know can we marry by Proxy or Islamic Proxy because I cannot travel to her right away. A. Yes, it is permissible for you to appoint someone as […]
Q. If one has become muslim through marriage, but did not always stay on the path and has finally decided to follow the Deen, should she/he re-do the Shahadah? A. If, based on one’s actions, one has done such things or uttered such statements that show […]
Q. What is the Islamic View on Tattoos? (from Qur’an and Sunnah) A. Tattoos are totally haram in Islam. It is recorded in a hadith that the Prophet (SA) ‘cursed those who tattooed, and those who got themselves tattooed’. (Bukhari, Muslim). And Allah knows best. Mufti […]
Q. Can one sit in the car and pray if pray time has reached, or there’s a possibililty of missing it, ie. on a journey? A. No, it is not permissible to sit in a car and pray. One must come out of the vehicle in […]
Q. With regards to one of the questions being asked in this website subject being “Superstitions in Islam”.. I would like to know, does a tabeej fall under this category as well? I know of persons who recommend this being worn as a means of getting […]
Q. I know for women and girls who have reached the age of puberty (baligh), it is compulsory for them to cover the entire body, except the face and hands up to the wrists. What about a woman, who is 16 or older and has never […]
Q. Can you please respond to this e-mail and give me your opinion on content. Assalamu Alaikum, I contacted the certifying body regarding their Halal certification process and they put me on to a brother. This is the plant which is certified by an Islamic organization […]
Q. I am a carpenter and would like to know if I can build a mandir and make a tomb for non Muslims. A. Since you are a carpenter and your profession is connected to building, it will be permissible for you to build a mandir […]