Q. I would like to find out how do you calculate how much do you have to pay for Zakaat? A. Zakaah is paid on one’s savings when a year has passed over it. As such, you must look to see the date when you became […]
Q. If one is pregnant and does not feel sick or has any side effects, will it be alright for them to fast or will it be harmful to the unborn? A. Many women who are pregnant observe the fast, and this does not bring about […]
Q. Can one perform salaah while sitting in an aeroplane? Since one cannot move about or since there are no spaces for the posture of salaah, is it then permissible to pray in one’s seat? A. One can perform Salaah in an aeroplane. However, he […]
Q. Who is eligible to receive Zakaat? A. Anyone from the eight categories of Muslims which has been mentioned in the Holy Quran can receive Zakaat. They are: 1) The poor 2) The needy 3) Those employed to collect Zakaah on behalf of the Islamic […]
Q. Is it allowed to remove the hair from the middle of the eyebrow which cause the eyebrows to look as though it is joining? A. If it is only in the area of the middle of the eyebrow to prevent it from joining, then […]
Q. Is the dua of Salaate hajat based on a weak hadith, so as we should not pray this salaah? A. Hajat (Hajah) means a need and Salaah of Hajaah refers to Salaah which is read in order to ask Allah to fulfill the need […]
Q. Concerning the kosher meats, I have read other fatwas concerning this. Meat slaughtered by one of the people of the Book (a Jew or a Christian) is permissible subject to two conditions: 1 – That the meat be slaughtered as a Muslim does it, […]
Q. Is it permissible for muslims to wear silk or cotton? A. Muslim males are allowed to wear cotton and not silk, and females are allowed to wear both cotton and silk. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. Someone asked that since we must halaal all meats, what about fish? Do we have to halaal them too? A. No, we do not have to halal them (slaughter them according to Islamic law). And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. Can you please tell me if water gets into the eye while bathing if it nullifies one’s fast? A. No, the fast is not broken. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan