Q. Reading your fatwaa concerning the veil I was a bit confused on the ‘wujoob’ of niqaab. Reading other ulamaa’s fatawaa I got quite another impression. A. As I mentioned before, there is a difference of opinion among the scholars with respect to the ruling […]
Q. Can you shed some light on Superstition in Islam. What are the laws concerning them, e.g. Babies wearing Black Bead bracelets for “maljoe”, Tikka for Babies, Breaking Mirrors = 7 Years Bad Luck, etc. Can you reference specific Qur’an and Hadith? A. Islam has […]
Q. I desperately need help. I am based in the UK. I have OCD. This manifests itself in 3 ways. First, I take long in the toilet, making ghusl and wudhu, i.e. washing my hands incessantly. Second, every verbal utterance by me or my wife […]
Q. Before the blessed month, I asked the question which Madhab does the institution follow. By the mercy of ALLAH, I realized that I was wrong in my question. It is not the Sunnah of Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Malik. We follow the Quran […]
Q. Is it the same sin to ignore someone’s phone call as it is to ignore them when you call them in person? A. No, it is not the same sin. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. I have read in a hadith that to LEARN a single ayat of Quran in the morning is better than 100 rakaats of salaah, what does it mean by LEARN? How can I LEARN? A. The word ‘learn’ is in its general sense. You […]
Q. If zawaal of Fajr salaah is at 6:12 am and I finish my salaah at 6:12 and 45 seconds, do I have to repeat my salaat? A. In this case, you will have to repeat your Fajr Salaah. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem […]
Q. I have read in several books that it is very important to eat halaal food but I am a 23 year old female and my parents live in India and they put money in the bank with interest. I cannot work so what could […]
Q. I recently heard an instance where a man divorced his wife and married the divorced wife’s sister the very next day! Because both women are sisters would he not have to wait for his first wife’s iddat to be completed before he can marry […]
Q. Do the sahabah doing or practising Tableegh jamaah follow the correct path of Quran and Sunnah? Also explain the meaning of the hadith of Huzaifa (ra) about fitna. A. Yes, Tableegh Jamaat follows the correct path of Quran and Sunnah. The hadith of Huzaifa […]