Q. Can you pray nafl salaat then pray your Fajr salaat between the break of dawn and sunrise? A. Although it is permissible to perform nafl Salaah after the break of dawn and before the Fajr Salaah, this was not a practice of the Prophet […]
Q. Can a mother breast feed and fast, is it allowed? A. Yes, it is permissible for a mother to breastfeed and fast. However, the shariah has given her the allowance to delay her fast and make it up afterwards, if she fears harm upon […]
Q. If piercing of the nose is permissible, and the wearing a niqaab is not made a condition, what about the piercing of the eyebrow when it is covered up? I know that only the ears and nose is allowed but what would be wrong […]
Q. What is the fatwa on muslim girls piercing places such as eyebrows, lips, tongue and navel and what are the punishments if any? A. All these are totally haram (unlawful) in Islam. Those who do practice these, are simply following the trend of such […]
Q. Is smoking haraam? A. The harmful effects and dangers of smoking is one which is agreed upon by all medical experts, as well as Islamic Scholars. With respect to some of its harmful effects, medical experts have stated that smoking cigarettes affects the smoker’s […]
Q. In order to perform masah on socks one of the conditions is that water should not penetrate. When does this apply? Does it apply when you do masah or does it apply when you put your foot in a water bowl because when you […]
Q. Was Jesus nailed to the cross? Can you give me details surrounding this event according to Islam? Should we believe in the bible also? A. Jesus was not nailed on the cross nor was he killed. Instead, he was taken up bodily into the […]
Q. Is it okay in Islam to sell one’s body parts? A. Allah is the owner of our lives and bodies, and so, we do not have the liberty to do whatever we wish with our bodies. It is therefore not permissible in Islam to […]
Q. Is it permissible to pray any Nafl salaat between Fajr time (break of dawn) and sunrise? A. No, it is not permissible to perform Nafl Salaah during this time. The Prophet (SAS) clearly instructed us by saying, ‘There is no Salaah after Fajr until […]
Q. Can salat be read anywhere, without a mat? For example on Saturday we visited a sick friend at a hospital and the group read salat in the waiting area, making sajda on the bare carpet where the public access. A. Once the area on […]