Q. A salafi girl said that you can recite Quran Shareef during menstruation while looking into it and not by memory. I know that this is haraam for hanafis. What is the stand of the four imams on this, and how do I prove to […]
Q. Is Birth Control permissible in Islam and if so, what methods i.e. pills, withdrawal etc.? A. Birth control undoubtedly carries with it many negative effects and has brought about fatal consequences. Many Islamic scholars have written at great length on the harms of birth […]
Q. Can one follow another person in Salaah, who is married to a Christian woman who was previously Muslim and changed her faith to Christianity? A. A Muslim (male or female) who changes his/her religion from Islam to Christianity is an apostate (Murtad) in Islam, […]
Q. I am 15 and I have intense urges and desires to masturbate. I need to know if this is haraam because on the internet it says that we are created with desires and it is ok, as well as it says it is haraam. […]
Q. Many Masjids allows non scholars to give the Friday sermon and at times lectures on Islamic topics; by non scholars I clearly mean someone who is not trained or qualified in Islamic prudence etc. In my humble view and limited knowledge I believe that […]
Q. Did the imams of the 4 madhabs accept weak hadith for their fiqh with some conditions? A. Generally all scholars have accepted weak ahadith, even Imam Bukhari has accepted weak hadith and recorded them in his book ‘Al Adab Al Mufrad’. However, these traditions […]
Q. Is painting of a human face without eyes, nose and mouth permitted, such that there is only the head and hair and ears but an empty face? Are toys that have the head and ears, but no eyes and nose and mouth permitted? A. […]
Q. I am confused because of a question asked by a person who believes in Moulood. He says that if jalsah and celebration of moulood every year is not proved from sunnah, then the annual jalsa of Darul Uloom is also a biddah and such […]
Q. If a woman is in her menses can she continue to read Al Quran? A. No, a woman in her menses cannot continue to read the Quran. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. Can we use things of the masjid like the fans and beds for personal use? A. It is not proper to use the things of the Masjid for one’s personal use. However, if facilities are made for this purpose then it will be permissible […]