When Saying The Kalimah

Q: Aslaamu alaikum wa rahmatulaahi wa barakatu Please could you shed some light on the following: I understand that If a Muslim says ‘there is no god’, with or without intention, then he becomes A non Muslim. But if a Muslim is reading the Kalimah […]

Surah Fussilat, Verse 30

Question: salaams mufti sahib can you give tafseer or explaination on this ayah I am not sure on the surah can you shed light on this too…please insha allah :innalathena qaloo rabbunallahu thoomastaqamoo tatanazaloo alaihimul malaikatu allah takhafoo wa la tahzanoo wa absheru bil jannahtil […]

Cutting of Cake at a Walimah

Quetion: Assalamu Alaikum. Is the cutting of a wedding cake at a walimah permissible? Answer: Wa alaikum As Salaam, The mere act of cutting a wedding cake at a walimah is permissible. However, the custom of cutting wedding cakes at wedding ceremonies is a non […]