Q. I was just wondering about calling the azaan and iqaamah in the ears of a new born child. My friend told me that it is a bidat because it is not stated in quraan or sunnah and Sheikh Albani also said that it is […]
Q. If a person tells another that he or she is lucky, is this shirk or Islamically correct? Also the phrase unfortunate, such as in the sentence, ‘the person was unfortunate to have bought the shirt before the sale.’ Is using the word unfortunate shirk? […]
Q. What is Darul Uloom’s view on boycotting certain companies or products that give of their profits to support Israel’s expansion and oppression. A. It is permissible and in fact, encouraged in Islam for one to boycott certain companies who use their profits to support/help […]
Q. Please describe the Angel Jibraeel. A. Angel Jibraeel like other angels is created from light and can assume any shape Allah allows for him. In his original shape, angel Jibraeel has many wings and is a very big, huge angel. The Quran itself describes […]
Q. I would like to know if it is permissible to consume dietary supplements (such as Tisane) which contains ethyl alcohol because I’m not certain whether it is permissible or not. I am aware that most fruits naturally contains some percent of ethyl alcohol and […]
Q. During the fast of 1429 (2008), I made a statement of which I have received no sure answer on. Note, I am a 16 year old male that is known for debating Non-Muslims and such on religion, Allhumdulilah I win, not one lost so […]
Q. If a woman whose eyebrows are thick, is it permissible for her to shave/pluck it? Not in a manner as to beautify herself or making it look like inverted crescents but rather to get a bit of a feminine look. And also what about […]
Q. I will be developing for Caribbean Cinemas 8, at Trincity, a website where they can allow for people to book their tickets through the website. I would like to know if it is allowed for me to do this, when I know they would […]
Q. I am a first time pregnant woman and have many questions to ask but most importantly I would like to find out at what stage in a pregnancy is a woman allowed to pray on a chair and also if any harm would be […]
Q. A man with intention says to his wife directly or indirectly “there now” or “get there now”. In the mind he was thinking of the wife’s mum. What is the state of his nikkah? Does saying these have any affect on it? A. If […]