Q. Why is Makkah called Ummul Quraa? A. Ummul Quraa means the mother of cities and according to some commentators of the Holy Quran it is called by this name since it is the root and foundation of all towns and habitations. It is mentioned […]
Q. My questions concerns working and investing in the Unit Trust. I am an employee of that firm. Are there chances of my earning being haraam? I read the article on investing in the UTC. However, I have researched the companies in which investments are […]
Q. Is it permissible to sing the praises of Allah and send peace and blessings on his Messenger Muhammad (S.A.S.)? A. Praising and glorifying Allah are both essential upon the Muslims as commanded in the Holy Quran. Hence, it is upon Muslims to follow these […]
Q. When one is anxious / depressed: What verses / surahs in the quraan is recommended to recite? What dua/s is recommended to say? What dhikr is recommened to do? A. For the relief of depression and any other similar case, one may recite: La […]
Q. I gave my mobile phone to a friend for repairs. Some days later he give me back my mobile phone and said that there is another problem in it, maybe the battery. When I took my phone from him it was the same as […]
Q. I have noticed that the tashahhud in most arabic scripts has the following transliteration eg. ibaadillaahissaalihiin. However when the same word is transliterated in Hisnun Muslim it reads eg. ibaadikasaalihiin. Could you please explain the difference to me? A. The words ‘ibaadillahis saalihin’ means […]
Q. Is there a special dua to say when performing the Aqeeqa for a new born child? Or can you simply have the intention and then slaughter the animal with Bismillah Allah hu Akbar? A. It is evident in the tradition of Aisha (R.A) that […]
Q. Why are Muslims not allowed to do their eyebrows? A. Muslims are required to follow the religion of Islam which they believe to be the complete and perfect way of life. In following this religion, they are required to adhere to the laws, guidelines […]
Q. What is the ruling on the cutting/trimming of the hair and nails during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah? Is there a difference with the muslims who have proceeded on the Hajj as opposed to the muslims who have not in this regard? […]
Q. Is it ok for muslims to do yoga? A. Although Yoga may be viewed as a form of exercise and relaxing one’s body and mind, it is nevertheless connected to non Islamic religious teachings. I have personally asked about it and was told that […]