Q. Is it allowable for expecting parents to enquire as to the gender of an unborn child? I read where it isn’t allowed but I cannot find the email/article or even remember the evidience to such. In the article it stated that it is only […]
Q. If someone has a grandmother and she is disabled to do anything at all and you as a grandson or any other male relative has to clean her or bathe her, how should he go about this, because cleaning or bathing a person like […]
Q. How should a Muslim Employer/Manager conduct himself with employees in meetings and business transactions? We hear of the Prophet SAW having the best Ahklaq (character) in all his dealings. We as muslims tend to overlook this in our dealings. Muslim Employers/Managers tend to treat […]
Q. I was invited by a non-muslim home for dinner and I have no clue if their meat is halaal. Should I eat it or is there a prayer to say before eating the meat? A. If you are sure that the meat is not […]
Q. There is a halal poultry shop which a group of muslims bought, but the money that they used to buy the company was a loan. The time has now reached for them to pay that loan. They have the money and they are not […]
Q. Is it permissible to record videos of people and animals on a digital camera, or does the same prohibition as taking photographs apply? A. If the digital camera captures pictures and deemed to be photography, then the same ruling will apply. However, if it […]
Q. As far as I know, the awrah of a man is the area between his navel and his knee. Sometimes I see men wearing their shirts tucked inside of their pants while performing salaat. Seeing that this defines the area or awrah of these […]
Q. My question is of three parts: 1. If a person arrives for Jumma and the first azan is called, which salaat is more important or compulsory to be prayed, the two rakaats of nafil or the four sunnah? 2. Is the forbidden times applicable […]
Q. 1. What is the ruling regarding charity on behalf of the dead if it comes from one other than the spouse or children? 2. If charity is given on behalf of grandparents from grandchildren, will the blessing be conveyed upon them once it is […]
Q. I have noticed for Jumma that a lot of brothers upon reaching late, perform the four rakaats sunnah even though the imam has started his bayaan. Is this proper to be praying when the imam is speaking? A. The bayaan is not a khutbah […]