Dua For Starting and Ending Fast

Q: assalam O alaikum…when keeping a nafil fast, what is the dua to recite when commencing and ending the fast? A: Wa alaikum As Salaam, While commencing the fast, one can say: ‘Nawaitu Sawma Ghadin Lillahi Ta’ala’ ‘I intend to fast for this coming day […]

Network Hacking

Q: Salamu alaikum, ya shaikh, i have a question. You know there are network hackers. I will talk of of own country. Here some hackers provide some proxy network settings. You just have to set that settings in your mobile phone or in your pc, […]

Tawassul In Dua

Tawassul is to implore Allah through the means of a righteous person or through one’s righteous actions. Tawassul in Dua is to supplicate to Allah through an intermediary, such as saying, ‘O Allah, I ask you by the rank of your Prophet…’ With respect to […]