Q. I would like to know why is it not permissible for us to go to the cinema? A. A cinema is a place which has been built for the sole purpose of showing movies. It is a place which is filled with a great […]
Q. Is it compulsory or best practice for a person to have wudhu in order to touch and recite Quran? Can you please give me quotation from the Quran and Hadeeth which proves it compulsory or optional. I read the fatwa on the Darul Uloom […]
Q. Can you please inform me as to whether or not women are allowed to go to the cemetery a few days after burial? And how long is it before they bury someone else in the same spot? A. With respect to women visiting the […]
Q. If a husband and wife are separated for 6 months, will that result in a divorce? Can she marry someone else at that time? And if they decide to come back together, do they need to remarry? A. The mere separation between the husband […]
Q. I would like to know what is the definition of Shiah Rawafid Ulama ul Haqq as we can provide quotes referenced ahl ul sunnah of the definition of Rawafid Shiah. A. The Shiahs have been divided into many groups, each having their own beliefs […]
Q.Non-Muslim churches and children homes, etc. sometimes approach Muslim businesses for charity. Would it be permissible to give financial help to them, or would it be considered as condoning their shirk? Would it be allowed if we give foodstuff/clothing/furniture? A. Donations to children’s homes are […]
Q. What is the best way to go about inviting a non muslim to islam? A person who knows absolutely nothing about Islam and lives totally opposite to what Islam teaches. A. While inviting a non-Muslim to Islam, one should start by explaining the basic […]
Q. My question concerns Zakaat. The company I work for has a pension plan of which both employee and employer contributes to the employee’s plan. Presently I do not have access to this money. Only when I retire or if I resign then I will […]
Q. Islamic banking is according to Sharia or not? Their products like Mudarba, Musharka, Ijara and Takaful are really RIBA-free (without interest). A. Islamic Banking is in accordance to the Shariah, and all its products are free from riba (interest). However, at times those who […]
Q. Is it a sin to sleep during the zawaal after fajr salaat? I heard it is makrooh. Makrooh tahrema or tanzini? Also during my exams if it gets very late then I study till fajr and its difficult for me to stay up after […]