I’tikaaf For Women

QUESTION Salaams Mufti Saab. The following information is being circulated amongst muslims in trinidad. Can you advise. QUESTION: Can a woman observe itikaf at home , what if she has to cook? ANSWER: Praise be to Allaah. I’tikaaf is only valid if done in the […]

Consuming iguana.

Q. Is iguana Halaal? A. Iguana is a type of lizard, and according to Imam Abu Hanifa, it falls under the category of being a reptile and hence, not permissible. Other Scholars like Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad and Imam Shafi have considered a type of […]

Breaking an oath or promise.

Q. If someone makes an oath, promise and pledge to Allah to stop smoking and they go back and continue smoking is there any consequence for this and what is/are them/they. A. In this case, a person will be accountable to Allah for breaking his […]

About the Grave.

Q. Can you please tell me about the grave? A. Anas reported that the Apostle of Allah said, “Verily a servant, when he is placed in the grave and his companions depart from him to the extent that he hears the knocking of their shoes, […]