Brothers having plaited hair.

Q. I have noticed a few brothers in our community having plaited hair. Some of them have their hair similar to the rastafarian’s ‘dreadlocks’. I have also seen those brothers giving azaan and iqaamah. 1. Can you please give me a detailed response as to […]

Dua for good health.

Q. Is there a specific dua to ask Allah to grant one good health (‘aafiyaah)? A. There are many dua’s which have been narrated from the Prophet (SAW) on this topic. A very short and effective one is: As’alulaaha Al Aafiyata fid-dunya wal Aakhira. ‘I […]

Difference in the Fajr Azan.

Q. I recently visited a masjid for the fajr salaah and I did not hear the words ‘As Salaatu Khairumm Minan Nawm’ in the fajr azan. When I enquired from someone at the masjid he said that this statement is not evident from the Prophet […]