Q. I would like to find out if a Muslim person has a non Muslim name, is it necessary for that person to change their name to a Muslim name? One of my friend is in this situation and don’t want to change her first […]
Q. In an excerp of a sura given, it was stated that it would aid someone with sleep as the person was having problems sleeping at nights and thought that maybe he/she was being troubled by Jinns. The advice was given to have this placed […]
Q. Can a man have more than one wife and what would be the conditions for him to have several wives even though he is married to one woman? A. Based on the sound teachings of the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophet […]
Q. 1. A lady has two brothers who are not practising muslims and do not perform their own qurbani. Can she do qurbani on their behalf from her own money and does she need their permission to do this? 2. If we wish to do […]
Question: Salaams,i know that music is Haraam but what about these Isamic singers like Sami Yusuf, are his songs permissible to listen? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, If his songs are with music, then it is not permissible to listen. Darul Ifta.
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, I have missed several years of obligatory fasts and now due to a stomach problem I am unable to fast. I tried but I finally develop hyperacidity and immense pain. What is it that I can do? Is there any alternative […]
Question: What is the significance of the 15th night of Shaban? Answer: With respect to the significance of the 15th night of Shabaan, there are several traditions which all together tell us about the special virtues of this night. Although some scholars have spoken about […]
Q. Please advise whether there is any Ahadith or Quranic Quotes which restrict muslims from planting flowering plants on the graves of their loved ones. Also the grasses around have to be removed monthly. A. The grass that grows on the grave should not be […]
Q. I recently found out about something called Urea, that it’s a substance extracted from the urine of animals. I was told that it’s haraam but there are some creams and shaving gels that contains this. I would just like to know if these products […]
Q. Please explain briefly, the difference in: Sunni, Shia and Ahmadiya Muslims with regards to us here in Trinidad. A. The word Sunni is a name used for a person who is an adherent to the creed of ‘Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah’. This group is […]