Q. Do you have to pay Zakaah on your Jewelry separate from your normal Zakaah? How do I calculate what my Zakaah should be? How am I sure I am paying the right amount of Zakaah? I usually take two and a half percent of […]
Q. Is it halaal for females to stay in a hostel without a maharam away from home? A. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas has reported that Rasullah (SAS) said, ‘it is not permissible for a woman to undertake a journey without a Mahram’ (ie. a person […]
Q. According to Islamic Laws, can Muslim men wear Platinum wedding rings or only silver? A. Muslim men are only allowed to wear a silver ring. According to Allamah Ibn Abideen (As Shami) the weight of the ring must not exceed 4.373 grams. And Allah […]
Q. This is in response to the newsletter regarding 2012. Please educate me on this topic. You said we as Muslims do not believe in fortune telling, palmists, etc. but what about our Prophets? Were they not telling us about the future? Did not Prophet […]
Q. What is ruling of the Sharia’ regarding using the Masjid/Musallah as a residence for a short or a long time? What is the ruling about somebody coming from overseas for the cause of Islam (for instance a Jamaat or an a’lim coming over to […]
Q. I would like to know where is it stated about the rewards of the 99 names of Allah. Many times I would read, but it is never quoted where it came from. I will read that the Prophet said so but which hadeeth is […]
Q. Is it permissible in Islam to call your husband’s parents, mummy or mum (for their mothers), daddy or dad (for their fathers), even though they are not your birth parents or blood relatives? A. Yes, it is permisssible to do so out of respect. […]
Q. What I would like to find out about is the Ottoman Empire and how Islam once ruled it. I heard a podcast on BBC entitled “Crescent and the Cross”. A. The following is some information regarding what you have asked. The Ottoman Empire of […]
Q. This question is about the burning of lobhan. My son at times gives me trouble to eat food and he at times disdains it. Over time nothing I did seemed to work and one day I carried him by a person to dua him. […]
Q. What exactly defines as beard, to the side of your face or isn’t it the jaw bone? A. With respect to the guidelines which have been given regarding the beard, the Prophet (S.A) is reported to have said: 1) ‘Grow your beards (Al-liha) and […]