Question: As-salaamu Alaikum, I wanted to find out about the concept of Talaq-i-Tafwid. That the man delegate the divorce to the wife. Is it something permissible? What about writing stipulations in the marriage contract? Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam, It is permissible for a man to […]
Question: As salamu alaikum, I would like to know if a person who has consumed alcohol can lead the prayer before the 40 day period? Jazak Allah. Answer: Wa Alaikumus Salaam, It is Makrooh (reprehensible) for such a person to lead salaah. However, if he […]
Question: i have heard from many ulama that sahaba(companions) r.a are jannati i.e(those who will go to paradise). 1-is this statement correct according to ahlus sunah waljamat? 2-if sahaba karam will go to paradise all of them then what about ummahatul momineen and what about […]
Question: Assalam mu Alaikum I wanted to find out how long after childbirth, one can start back praying, I know they say 40 days, but what if one is still bleeding? Jazak Allah Khair . Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The maximum time given is […]
Question: As salaamu ‘alaykum. Mufti Saab, I know that you explained ‘idda on your program on Sunday, but can i please have it in writing? A lot of my family members cannot seem to accept what i am telling them so if i can have […]
Question: Asalamualaikum. Suppose the bathroom(ghusul area) is separated from the toilet area by walls on all 4 sides but not the top(the top of ghusul area is bara) then is it permissible to read any duas inside this ghusul area during bathing or when clothes […]
Question: Respected, I live in Dubai but basically I am belong to Pakistan. My parents wants to Nikah on Skype but I am not satisfied on this system. please guide me about this system, is it allowed or not? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, Marriage (Nikah) […]
Question: Is this a Sunni Darul Uloom? Please advise. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, it is a Sunni Darul Uloom. We follow the creed of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat, and in fiqh, we follow the Mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa (AR). You can […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum dear mufti I hope this mail reaches you in good health in sha Allah. I was wondering, I have jewelry, all given to me as gifts from my parents. I am not working, I am a student and I get an allowance […]
Question: Assalamu alaikum, Dear Mufti, I am writing to you to seek some advice. A gentleman has proposed marriage to me, he is a kind, humble human being who reads his Quran and his salaat regularly, he is a good man and we are compatible. […]