Question: Asalamalikum mufti sahib. Is engagement ceremony before nikha correct or not? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Engagement ceremony before Nikah is not correct. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan. 5/2/2014.
Question: Hazrath Isa Alihis Salam said that he had come to give the glad tidings of a prophet whose name will be Ahmed. He did not say Mohammed. Where as he peace be upon him was known to people as Muhammad not Ahmed. Could it […]
Question: Asalam u alaikum, Is the Salah of the one following an imam valid if the imam’s Wudhu is not valid ? it is my understanding that if the imam wears a cotton socks and makes Wudhu over the socks, then his Wudhu is invalid. […]